2 App Template| NFT Marketplace App| NFT buying selling App| NFTez


NFTez is an NFT (non-fungible token) template that brings together artists, creators, and crypto enthusiasts on a single platform to create and trade top NFTs. It is a blockchain-based template that allows anyone to create and trade their own digital assets. NFTez User App provides complete start-up ideas with good-to-go UI designs, making it easy for developers to create their own NFT marketplace. The template is optimized for usability and code quality, ensuring a smooth and efficient development process.

NFTez is a NFT Marketplace App template with 30+ screens.

List of Screens

  • Splash Screen
  • Sign in, Sign up, and OTP Verification Screen
  • Home Screen
  • Full Home Screen
  • Category ViewScreen
  • Explore NFT Screen
  • Top Sellers Screen
  • NFT Info Screen
  • Saved Screen
  • Place Bid Screen
  • Connect Wallet Screen
  • Wallet Screen
  • Search Screen
  • Notification Screen
  • User Profile Screen
  • Create Item Screen
  • Fixed Price Screen
  • Auction Screen
  • Published Screen
  • Profile Screen
  • Collection Screen
  • Create New Collection Screen
  • Activity Screen
  • Option Screen
  • My Profile Screen
  • Support Screen
  • Language Screen
  • Terms & Condition Screen
  • FAQ’s Screen

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