4 App Templates| City Bus Tracking App| City Bus Driver App | Rider App| Citybus


CityBus is a modern and easily customizable app template that helps users track buses and get information on when their bus will arrive at their stop. The app is designed to eliminate the need to wait at a bus stop, allowing users to plan their travel efficiently. The app includes features such as reminders to alert users when their stop is approaching. The Citybus template features a well-structured and efficient code that is easy to understand and modify according to your needs. The template also boasts a sleek and modern design that is visually appealing and user-friendly. The design is fully customizable, easy maintenance and scalable allowing you to make changes and adjustments to fit your specific requirements.

Rider App Template Screens

  • Splash Screen
  • Sign in Screen
  • Sign up Screen
  • OTP Verification Screen
  • Forgot Password Screen
  • Select Locatgion Screen (5 Screens)
  • Referral Code Screen
  • Set Reminder Screen (2 Sxreens)
  • Menu Screen
  • Near by Bus Stop Screen
  • Search Bus Screen
  • Daily Reminder Screen (2 Screens)
  • My Profile Screen
  • Contact Screen

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