9 Add-ons for FoodTiger, QR SaaS, Lion POS and WhatsApp Food [Mobidonia ]


  1. PDF Invoice – plugin
    Print orders bills on printer or export in PDF. Plugin for FoodTiger, QR SaaS, and WhatsApp Food, Lion POS.
  2. Automated printing
    This module will allow you, vendors, to print the order receipts directly on a thermal printer or standard a4 printer.
    This module uses PrintNode.com for printing on hundreds of printers worry-free, scalable and reliable.
  3. WebHooks
    This module will allow you and your vendors, to receive the order data on WebHook. It will greatly extend the use of your system.
  4. Cloner
    Easily clone/duplicate the vendor together with the setting and the full menu. Useful for multi-branch / similar vendors.
  5. Paddle Subscriptions
  6. Paypal Subscriptions
  7. Custom Timezone
    Give your vendors the option to set their own timezone
  8. Google Translate Plugin
    Translate your restaurant menus into multiple languages. You can select what languages you want to display.
  9. Custom domain
    Allow your vendors to point their domain to their menu in your project

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