Ality – Bootstrap 5 Admin Dashboard Template & UI Kit


Ality is a powerful & lightweight dashboard template based on Bootstrap 5x Framework. It has a huge collection of reusable UI components and integrated with the latest jQuery plugins.

Ality uses SASS to make your life editing the styles easier. All styles are fully develop with SASS and is easy to understand. Ality is a fully responsive bootstrap admin dashboard that works seamlessly on all major web browsers and devices.


  • Bootstrap 5.2.3
  • Style With SASS
  • Jquery 3.6.3
  • build code with gulp
  • Package management with NPM
  • Light & Dark Templates
  • One click Dark & Light Switch Template
  • Multiple Color Options
  • Fully Responsive layout
  • Font Awesome 5
  • Detailed Documentation
  • Clean & Well Commended Codes
  • W3C Validated Code
  • Data Table Export to CSV, Excel, PDF, Copy and Print
  • Many Charts Options (amChart, apexChart, eChart, chartJs, Morris, Sparkline)
  • Multi File upload
  • Multiple Icon Options (Font Awesome, Material Design, Ion Icons, Weather Icons)
  • Two types of Gallery
  • Two types of Sliders
  • Google & Vector Maps
  • Editors (CKEditors, Summernote, Code Editor
  • Data Table
  • Apps (Chat, Portfolio, Blog, Email, etc.)
  • Form Wizards
  • Event calendar
  • Chat Application
  • And many more…

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