AskAI 5.1


AskAI is build using Kotlin Jetpeck Compose. You ask about anything to AskAI. Whether you’re looking to have an engaging conversation, create mesmerizing art, or even generate images in a chat format, AskAI has got you covered.


  1. Gpt-3.5 and Gpt-4
  2. AI Art generation in chat style
  3. Image Generation
  4. Secured API key at firebase
  5. Easy key rotations
  6. Google Signin for secure access
  7. InApp purchases
  8. Credits system
  9. Words wise cost system to control over charging
  10. Input text moderations
  11. Rewards and banner ads for users using app as free
  12. Firestore Database for managing user wallet
  13. Free credits on signup
  14. Kotlin Jetpack Compose
  15. AI Sample Promts
  16. Dark and light theme
  17. Complete documentations

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