Best Kids Learning Preschool App on Android + Kids Game With Admob


Kids Game is an android game for kids. Ready to publish the game on the play store and start earning from Admob & in-App Purchase. These Educational Games help kids to learn Preschool Activities & Kid’s Memory.

This game is developed on cocos2dx. You just need to replace of same size images and also you just change the main screen and title and then upload the game on the play store and earn revenue from AdMob.

List of Game Category

  1. Alphabets: Learn ABC Alphabets with Educational Games
  2. Numbers: Learn 1, 2, 3 Numbers with Games
  3. Colors: Awesome Color Identification Games for Kids
  4. Digit: Find the Specific Digit in the Number
  5. Count: Kids can count the objects
  6. Days: Learn day with fun
  7. Months: Kids Learn Month Name
  8. Money: Identity Money by Games
  9. Shapes: Learn Shape with fun Games
  10. Animal: Learn Animal Games with fun

Feature Of Kids Learning Games

  • Android 12 Supported
  • 64 Bit Supported
  • 10 Different Category
  • Latest Admob SDK
  • in-App Purchase Remove Ads
  • Easy to Reskin
  • GDPR Compliance
  • More and Rate Function
  • Beautiful Graphics Design

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