Crest – Bootstrap Admin Template


Crest Admin is a premium admin UI template based on Bootstrap. It is based on jQuery, CSS3 and Bootstrap. It is fully responsive. It is adaptive with any size viewport. Plus it has huge library of reusable UI components and latest trending plugins. This template can be used for various type of project applications.


  • Built with Bootstrap v3.3.7
  • Latest jQuery version
  • Clean User Interface Design
  • Huge Set of UI Components
  • Widgets APi
  • Fixed Menu with Scroll Bar
  • Functional Chat API
  • Main Menu (Multi Menu Levels)
  • Page Loader
  • Reusable UI Components
  • Chart and Data Visualization API
  • Google maps
  • Vector maps
  • Data Tables
  • Responsive Tables
  • Font Icons
  • Multiple Layout Options
  • Fully loaded Mailbox
  • Form UI Components & Elements
  • jQuery Validations
  • CKEditor, Bootstrap WYSIHTML5 and Markdown Editors
  • Grid Based System
  • Google font – Poppins and Raleway
  • Well structured and formatted code
  • Well Commented and Prefixed Based Stylesheet
  • Detailed Documentation
  • Works well in all latest browsers like chrome, Firefox, Opera, Safari, IE9+

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