Flutter ESP8266 & ESP32 IoT Starter Kit


Flutter ESP8266 IoT Starter Kit is a starter project for freelancers, indie developers, hobbyists and professionals. This project includes source code for a simple Flutter application which can target Android, iOS as well as other platforms which are supported by Flutter, and a robust C++ based firmware for Arduino/ESP8266/ESP32 devices.

Mobile App Features

  • Designed in Flutter, one of the best cross-platform mobile development framework backed by Google and a great open-source community
  • Flutter app can be natively complied to target all major platforms including: Android, iOS, Windows Linux, MacOS and Raspberry Pi
  • Clean code which can be easily customized and branded for your own projects
  • Dark and Light mode support
  • Streamlined multilingual implementation and selection through Settings page
  • Settings screen with save and load implementation
  • App can used as a Flutter Project Starter Template (Settings, Splash, Dark Theme, Multilingual etc.)
  • The source code is now adopted to Flutter v2 and Dart v2.12.0 with sound null-safety for better runtime safety and performance
  • With sound null-safety, we have also replaced with outdated and discontinued packages with new and improved packages. For example “preferences” package is replaced with “pref” package.

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