Meet Doctor Pro: Datewise Book, Chat, Health Calculators, Tips.. Also Doctor Patient Different End.. 8 August 2023


Meet Doctor is a user-friendly app with amazing features. This app is constructed for both the patients and doctors with different interface. A patient can access to his/her account and will be able to use features like seeing the categories of doctor. From the category, one can choose the desired doctor and see the information like the location of doctor’s chamber, schedule of visit, availability and also can book appointment for himself or family members. After booking an appointment one can chat with the doctor for seeking follow up help. Other features are also available for a patient. Like one can regularly see the health tips where various kind of article will be provided regarding to maintain a healthy life. Another important feature is in the app which will help to locate the diagnostic centers. We often see after an appointment a patient must have to go for various kind of tests like blood test urine test, X-ray etc. For that reason, they have to look for the diagnostic centers. In our app, they can see the list of diagnostic centers in this app. They can also see more information about the medicines that would be prescribed by the doctor. There they can know about everything about a particular medicine like the use of the medicine along with the price tag. Also, health calculators are provided in the app by which they can calculate the BMI, optimal weight, among other things. Meanwhile, we double-check the doctor’s qualifications. The doctor must fill out a form to sign in, which requires the doctor to supply basic details to establish his or her identity as well as information about the booking procedure. The doctor can readily see the assigned patient list from his end. He can call the patient using the serial number supplied in the app. In addition, the doctor has the option of selecting an available time period. The doctor can choose the availability option if he is available and ready to be scheduled, or the away option if he is not. The patient will be unable to schedule an appointment as a result of this. This is an important feature for doctors, since we have given them the flexibility in determining their own available time. Other features like health tips and diagnostic centers are common in the both ends.

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