News Hour – Flutter News App for Android & iOS with Admin Panel 5.0.6


News Hour is a complete news app with an admin panel that is developed on the Flutter framework developed by Google. It works on both android & iOS. It has all the common and special features that a typical news app has. We have used lots of animations to make this app user-friendly. It could be able to satisfy users with impressive UI design and smooth performance on both iOS and Android devices. If you are looking for a news or blog app for both iOS and Android, News Hour could be the best option for you.

Features (App)

  • Animated Splash Screen
  • User Sign In – Used social media sign-in like Google Sign In, Facebook Sign In, Apple Sign In for iOS, Email Sign In and also skip sign-in feature where users can access the without signup.
  • Beautiful On Boarding Screen – Introduction screens to define the features of the app.
  • Loading Animation & Clean UI : Loading animations are available in the all screen which gives users a fluent & smooth experiences on data loading time.
  • Lottie Animation
  • Pagination : Used infinite scrolling which will help to load unlimited data without any problem and reduce database cost.
  • Pull-to-Refresh – Pull to refresh feature to refresh the contents anytime user wants.
  • Youtube Video Support : Complete youtube video support with full screen view, gesture control like MX Player, Speed mode & much more.
  • Iframe Video Support : Iframe videos from youtube are now suppoted in the content description with Iframe video player
  • Network Video Support : Network videos are now suppoted in the content description with a Native video player with full screen view
  • Adaptive Dark Mode! – Don’t forget to experience the dark mode. This makes the whole app more usable & beautiful
  • Custom WebView – Used custom webview to open any link inside the app just like facebook.
  • User Comment : User can make comments on any contents. User can also delete their comments.
  • Comment Flag & Report : User can flag any abusive comment & also report to the admin.
  • User Likes : User can like any content and popular contents will be sorted based on their likes.
  • Categories : Contents are divided based on categories and you can control the categories from admin panel.
  • Search : Used Recent Search feature which will save the recent search(s) of users locally.
  • Interactive Push Notifications : Admin can send push notifications directly from admin panel to all android & iOS users in just one click. Push notification’s body also supports HTML text.
  • Cached Image & Data : Used cache image service to save online images to local database for faster experience. Images & database can be accessible even in offline.
  • Monetization : Used both Admob & facebook ads. You can use which one you prefer most. Used both Interstitial & banner ads with maintaining admob & fb ads policy.
  • Multi-language Support : You can add your own language to the app with the easiest way.
  • RTL Support : RTL support for rtl type languages like arabic, hebrew etc.
  • Bookmark : User also can save their favourite contents .
  • User Profile : Users can edit their name and update their profile pictures.
  • Html Support : Content description supports HTML text so that you can apply custom design with Html text. Images in the description now support full screen zoomable view.
  • Hero Animation : Used flutter special animation package Hero in all content for a smooth and seamless user experience.
  • Backend Service : Cloud Firestore Database from Google which is super fast, easy to use and also secure.
  • Firebase Analytics : To access realtime activity of the users.
  • State Management : Provider
  • Step by Step Documentation

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