Oxyy – Login and Register Form HTML Templates 2.0


Oxyy is a clean Login (sign in), Register (sign up), Forgot password and OTP (One time password verification) form HTML templates with 18 unique design. It is built with the most popular newest responsive bootstrap 5 framework. The code is well commented and developer friendly which would be so easy for any engineer to customize. Designed and developed keeping in mind the latest web design trade.


  • Based on Bootstrap 5.1.1
  • 18 Unique Design
  • Ultra Responsive
  • Clean HTML5 and CSS3 code
  • SCSS CSS files Available
  • Google Web Fonts
  • Font awesome Integrated
  • Well Commented Code
  • Easy to Customize
  • W3c Valid 100%
  • Detailed Well Documentation
  • And much more…

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