Playzone-Mobile App | React Native CLI


Playzone is online gaming app template in react native. So, It is support android and ios both. In this app user can play various type of games which is available in this app. User can also see the livestream of the game. User can also see the streamer profile. etc..


01 Splash
02 Onboarding 1
03 Onboarding 2
04 Onboarding 3
05 Login
06 Create Account
07 Otp Verify
08 Forgot Password(sent email)
09 New password
10 Home Screen
11 Category_game_list
12 Search_Games
13 Live_Stream_List
14 Game_Detail_Screen
15 Account_Screen
16 Setting_Screen
17 Stremer_Profile
18 Stremer_Feed
19 Stremer_Streams
20 No_Games_Screen

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