Senior Residents App – Flutter with Firebase


The Senior Residents App is designed to assist in the management and care of seniors. It includes three roles: healthcare professionals, family members, and residents. Residents can set their daily mood using emojis, allowing family members to monitor their well-being. In the event of an issue, family members can communicate directly with healthcare professionals to address any concerns.

App Features for each role:

Residents :

  • Daily Emoji
  • Invitation (Accepting invitation from families, to add them as their residents)
  • Chat with families and health care (if the health care message them first, because mostly the families will chat to the health care)
  • Families List
  • Edit Profile

Families :

  • See Daily Emoji of their resident
  • Chat with resident and health care
  • Resident List (Search and add their resident (invitation))
  • Health Care List
  • Edit Profile

Health Care :

  • See Daily Emoji of all resident
  • Chat with resident and families
  • Resident List
  • Families List
  • Edit Profile

App Tech:

  • Firebase
  • Firebase Authentication
  • Firebase Firestore
  • Firebase Storage
  • State Mangement: Provider
  • Image Picker and Cropper

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