Single Restaurant Food Order Flutter full product Android & IOS + Delivery boy Native Android app


Food Order App is Flutter app for restaurant online business with multiple branch Restaurant or single Restaurant.


  • Useful for Multiple branch or Single Branch Restaurant.
  • Payment Integration – Paypal & PayU Money.
  • Complete App With Two Language – English & Arabic.
  • Google Map Integration for Easy Location Selection.
  • Google Map Integration for Delivery boy tracking.
  • Easy User Registration (Mobile Number Based) – SMS OTP Based.
  • Unlimited Category for different types of food.
  • Unlimited Menu and Product.
  • Sub Product like extra cheese, cold drinks can be configure for each product.
  • Order Update via Email.
  • Predefine Email Template for Order Status and it’s customizable.
  • Pickup from Restaurant branch and delivery on Location both support.
  • Coupon Support like festival discount.
  • Home Page with Banner Support for new Launch Product.
  • Discount support for product Wise.
  • Support Inbox – View Message from Admin panel Send by user from app.
  • Notification support – one signal integration.
  • App User Management – list of all user and details like location and Contacts.
  • Delivery Boy Management – Add unlimited delivery Boy with ID Proof, Vehicle number, license etc.
  • Order Receipt
  • Order Status Vise Management – Pending, Confirm, On Delivery, Delivered.
  • Pre Define App Page With Modification – Privacy Policy, Terms & Condition, Contact US, About US.
  • Food Order User app in Flutter and Food Delivery boy in Full Native Android Code in Kotlin Language.

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