Sticky Mobile 5.7


The best Mobile PWA Bootstrap 5 Template in the world. Powered by Bootstrap 5.x with no jQuery dependency, written in Vanilla JS. However, you can still use jQuery if you need it! Sticky provides over 385 Page Templates to cover all your needs & ideas. Our customers love its flexibility, ease of use, elegance and power.

Copy & Paste Components – Reusable and Powerful

Sticky is powered by hundreds of flexible, easy to customize and perfectly designed to enhance your mobile user interface and user experience.

  • Ad Boxes
  • Add to Home
  • Add to Home Banners and Badges
  • Accordions with Multiple Styles
  • Action Sheets & Action Modals
  • Auto Dark Mode and Color Highlight Retention
  • Buttons & Icons with tons of Styles
  • Back to Home Badge and Icon
  • Back to Top Badge and Icon
  • Before and After Images
  • Breadcrumbs
  • Charts & Graphs powered by charts.js
  • Chips with Light and Dark Styles
  • Cookie Boxes and Consent Boxes
  • Cards with Gradients, Solid Colors or Background Images
  • Cards with Infinite Backgrounds
  • Color Packs with Examples
  • Contact Form – Functional with AJAX
  • Collapse / Dropdown Elements
  • Dividers with Multiple Styles and Icons
  • Disqus Comments Integration
  • Embedly
  • Emoji with Unicode
  • File Upload – Web API integrated
  • Form Wizard
  • Facebook Comments Integration
  • Geolocation – Web API Integrated
  • Google Fonts – 600 to choose from
  • Header Styles with Badges and Multiple Layouts
  • Footer Bar Styles with Badges and Multiple Layouts
  • Footer Men Infinite Scroll
  • Gorgeous and Awesome Header & Footer Shapes
  • Icons & Icon Fonts
  • Infographics to showcase statistics
  • Image Effects on Tap – Scale, Grayscale, Blur
  • Images Preloaded & CSS Backgrounds Preloaded
  • Images with Infinite Background Effect
  • Link Lists with Badge and iOS/Android Switch Support
  • List Groups with Icons and Multiple Styles
  • Notifications Styled like iOS, Android and Bootstrap
  • Notification Alerts Large or Small with or without Icons
  • OS Detection – show content based on iOS or Android
  • Online & Offline Detection and Banners
  • Quotes and Review Elements
  • QR Code Generator or pre-generate for your existing page
  • Pagination styles enhanced from Bootstrap
  • Preloaders with multiple styles and colors
  • Pricing Tables with multiple styles insertable in Carousel/Slider
  • Reading Time Calculator – estimated time to read page
  • Snackbars & Toasts, with multiple styles and designs
  • Sliders and Carousels, powered by enhanced OwlCarousel
  • Social Sharing with automatic link adding from the page you share
  • Search System, functional with any element finding options
  • Search Page Box & Search Header Box
  • Shadow Effects – Modern App Effects
  • Scroll Fixed Ads
  • Tabs designed like iOS and Android pills
  • Tables
  • Text Resizer
  • Toasts & Toggles
  • User Lists & Groups with multiple styles
  • Vibrate API integration for Android vibrate on tap
  • Working Hours – fully functional
  • Web Share API

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