StrikingDash – React Admin Dashboard Template


StrikingDash is a SPA React admin dashboard powered by react-redux. This super awesome admin dashboard is highly optimized and used for progressive web application patterns that deserve your next react application. It’s a feature-rich React admin template and component library. With hundreds of ready to use components & 6 custom homepage, you can take your React admin dashboard to the next level.

Core Features

Striking Dash contains incredible features listed below.

    • Build On React 18+
    • Modern Design
    • Fully Responsive Design
    • HTML5 & CSS3
    • Styled Components
    • Antd 4 compatible
    • Firebase with APIs


    • Auth0 Authentication
    • React Hooks
    • Redux-thunk
    • React Router Dom


    • Clean Code
    • Eslint validated
    • Prop validated
    • Code Splitting
    • Async Loading
    • Performance
    • Simplicity
    • Supporting CSS, JS files


    • Axios with Clean api structure


  • Authentication System
  • 6 Home Page
  • Kanban Board App
  • Import & Export App
  • Mail App
  • Chat App
  • Ecommerce App
  • To-do App
  • Note App
  • Contact App
  • Social App
  • Calendar App
  • Task App
  • 170+ Components
  • 60+ Pages
  • Starter Page
  • Project
  • Profile
  • StrikingDash Boilerplate
  • Feather Icons
  • Font Awesome Icons
  • antd Icons
  • Chartjs
  • Google Charts
  • Rechart Charts
  • Peity Charts
  • Google Maps
  • Openstreet Maps (Leaflet)
  • Vector Maps
  • RTL Ready

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