Tic Tac Toe – Online Multiplayer Game Flutter with Admob


A 100% fun-filled game play for those who love to play board and puzzle games. Tic Tac Toe Online is a multiplayer real-time playing version of the so-called traditional game Tic Tac Toe. Through this venture we are trying to deliver the best of a full swing fun online game for you.


  • Online – Play with global users
  • Online multiplayer mode is where you will be connected to a random remote online player. You can challenge your best performance with a new player. This option also allows you to change the opponent player in between play if needed.
  • Game score And Lederboard
  • Play with random online user and get the leaderboard
  • Training Mood
  • Admob Ads: Admob ads service already integrated into the app so you can easily earn money from the app once you put your Admob Ids into the app.
  • Easy Setup Guide: Supper easy setup guide that help you to setup the code in few minutes and make it fully functional.
  • Google Login and Firebase firestore database
  • 3×3 grid
  • Self Learning AI

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