TopDeal – Multipurpose Responsive PrestaShop 1.6 & 1.7 Theme


SP TopDeal is an integrated of blocks. However, these blocks are combined together and become an modern and logical-looking theme. With a powerful Admin Panel, users can do more than they think about the name – TopDeal. Based on PrestaShop 1.7 and 1.6TopDeal is suitable for many kinds of business: Fashion, Digital, Accessories or even the mixture of them.

SP TopDeal is comprised of many useful – valuable Extensions including SP BannerSP BlockcartSP BlockcurrencySP BlocklanguageSP Block NewsletterSP Block UserinfoSP CustomhtmlSP ListingtabsSP SupercategorySP HomesliderSP Manufacture SliderSP MegamenuSP SearchproSP Theme ConfiguratorSP Vertical MenuSP Extra SliderSP Footer LinksSP Deal. For different purposes, you will have different ways to use this theme. There is unlimitedfor any Artist like you.


  • Built with Bootstrap 3 and CSS3
  • Support responsive layout
  • Wide and Boxed layouts options
  • Integrated Google Fonts
  • Blog Extension: Smartblog with category, article, tag, comment etc…
  • Multi – language and currency support
  • Newsletter subscribe
  • Grid / List view: Allow to display your products in either list or grid view
  • Product “Sale” and “New” labels for discounted and new products
  • Include extensions: SP Banner, SP BlockcartSP BlockcurrencySP BlocklanguageSP Block NewsletterSP Block UserinfoSP CustomhtmlSP ListingtabsSP SupercategorySP HomesliderSP Manufacture SliderSP MegamenuSP SearchproSP Theme ConfiguratorSP Vertical MenuSP Extra SliderSP Footer LinksSP Deal.
  • Manufacturer logos slider
  • Various color styles and typography by powerful C-panel
  • Unlimited Color Styles
  • Cross-browser: IE 10+, Safari, Mozilla Firefox, Opera 9+ and Chrome
  • W3C XHTML 1.0 Transitional Valid
  • 100% table-less design, based on CSS3 with many animated effects
  • Social networks integration
  • Additional Footer, Back to top button and Navigation links
  • PSD theme files included for FREE!

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