Travel Kit – Mobile React Native Travel & Hotels Template


Travel Kit is a modern, well-crafted Travel React Native App Template that can help you create a next hit app in Hotels & Travel industry.

All components in this template are built with modern React Hooks and TypeScript, we don’t use any UI Framework like Native Base, React Native Elements,… to make sure that the performance is stunning and you can easily customize them for your business.

Travel Kit is now running on React 16.13, Expo SDK 42, React Navigation 5, and we’re always making changes and improvements to it in the future.

Sample screens

  • Authentication
  • AuthVerificationCode
  • AuthWithPhoneNumber
  • Checkout
  • Documentation
  • EditProfile
  • ForgotPassword
  • Home
  • HotelDetails
  • HotelList
  • Login
  • MyAccount
  • Notification
  • PaymentMethod
  • Promotion
  • PurchaseDetails
  • PurchaseList
  • Settings
  • SupportCenter

UI Kit

  • Button
  • Touchable
  • Text
  • TextField
  • CheckBox
  • RadioButton
  • Icon
  • Carousel
  • Section
  • Rating
  • Card
  • Container
  • Divider
  • List
  • SearchBar
  • Dialog
  • LoadingIndicator
  • TabView
  • DateTimePicker
  • Picker

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