WooCommerce Registration Fields Plugin – Custom Signup Fields


You can create as many custom fields as you want with the WooCommerce registration plugin to build a unique WooCommerce registration form for your customers. You can add a text area, text box, select box, check box, multi-select box, radio button, time picker, date picker, password, file upload, color picker, and a numeric field.

Features of Custom User Registration Fields for WooCommerce

  • Add 14 Types of Fields to Customize Registration Page
  • Enable/Disable or Edit Default WooCommerce Registration Fields
  • Add Conditional / Dependent Fields
  • Enable User Roles on Registration Page
  • Create Custom User Roles and Assign Capability
  • Auto or Manually Approve Users and User Roles
  • Auto Provide Limited Access Upon Requested User Roles
  • Manage Users i.e, Block, Delete, Change User Role, Limited Access
  • Drag and Drop the Fields to Add New Fields
  • Sort the Order of Fields
  • Enable Social Login i.e Twitter & Facebook
  • Additional Fields for New Users are Displayed on Checkout Page
  • Users can View & Edit Extra Info in “My Account” Section
  • Display Custom Message to Blocked Users on Registration Page
  • Display Custom Message to Users Awaiting for Account Approval
  • Add Custom Email Notification for Each User Role Status

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