WordPress Marketing Plugin – Sliding Messages


Do you have a message that you wish audience to see without annoying with pop-ups? Sliding Message (WordPress Marketing Plugin) is the best solution for you. The WordPress Marketing Plugin offers you advanced targeting and display conditions that can be used on every site.


  • Create messages using the WordPress Block Editor
  • Create unlimited number of messages on site
  • 4 different message components that you can use one by one or combine in a message – Free text/html, Sidebar Widgets, Post Information (Related posts, specific posts), Subscribe Form
  • Support for your existing WordPress shortcodes
  • Pre-packed shortcodes for layout, button, custom close action, countdown timer, highlighter, subscribe form
  • Set message to appear based on various conditions: immediately, with timeout, on scroll or when specific element of content is placed on screen
  • Automatic message disappear option and message hiding setup (do not show again this message or do not show again any message)
  • Limit messages for a specific period of time (date range) – very useful for automated promotion messages
  • Automatic displayed message based on various conditions: entire site, specific post types, homepage, selected post categories
  • Manual assigned messages to appear on specific post/page
  • One or multiple messages displayed at same time (randomized)
  • Set message to be always visible on screen
  • Display from any corner of the screen – Top left, Top right, Bottom Left, Bottom right, Left center, Right center or Center on the Screen
  • Top or Bottom bar
  • Left or Right sidebar
  • Full screen messages
  • Easy to change colors, background and most used styles for each message
  • Customize the close button (with option to hide at all close action)
  • 5 included entrance animations
  • Open message button – a button that will be visible on screen when message is still not shown for user. Example: setup contact form to appear at the end of page but add a button that allows visitor to open it at any time
  • Re-open message button – a button that will allow message to be shown again when it is closed after the automated display condition
  • 7 mailing list services supported inside subscribe component: Mailchimp, Mailster, MailPoet, MailerLite, ActiveCampaign, CampaignMonitor, SendinBlue

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