WPTF – WordPress Theme Framework


A combination of unique features make this Framework the most flexible, productivity oriented and simple to use WordPress Framework ever built. You will be able to develop better websites faster and with features never possible before. All the work for this project is finalized to improve the productivity, the flexibility and the simplicity. This is possible thanks to innovative concepts and a set of unique features not available on others prodcuts.

Other features

These features are only a small part of all the features available with WPTF. The customization power is truly impressive.

  • Sections layout (fullwidth or boxed)
  • Content layout (no sidebars, left sidebar, right sidebar, both sidebars)
  • Background image template
  • Background slider template
  • Background video template
  • Fullpage template
  • Twosides template
  • One-pages websites
  • Countless options
  • Header position (static top, fixed top, fixed left)
  • Enable or disable Navbar Search, socila icons, WPML menu and more
  • Logo upload, secondary logo, favicon
  • Header custom contents
  • Enable or disable topbar
  • Topbar content for custom contents or secondary navigation, WPML menu, social icons
  • 3 footer types
  • Bottom footer content (accepts HTML input)
  • Custom blog pages with the composer
  • Custom blog layouts
  • Custom archives styles
  • Custom archives layouts
  • Excerpt, featured image, and 2 extra values for every post type
  • Custom URL slug for your portoflio items
  • Auto cropped images
  • Custom portfolio pages
  • Custom portfilo items
  • Responsive 100%
  • Custom.js activation
  • Custom.css activation
  • Custom.php activation
  • Child theme support
  • WPML 100% compatible and integrated
  • Lists – post types engine
  • 4 Custom colors
  • Custom CSS
  • Custom JS
  • 100+ Menu options
  • 12 menus
  • Side menu
  • Classic side menu
  • Lateral dropdown menu
  • Hamburger button
  • Transparent style for every menu
  • Mega menu
  • Native WordPress menu administration for all menu types, also mega menu with tabs
  • Tabbed mega menu
  • Full width or boxed mega menu
  • Full page website
  • Horizontal full page websites
  • Icon, dotted, text fullpage menus
  • Client performance: avarage 140KB JS+CSS
  • Server side performance: instantaneous
  • Font Awesome icons
  • Revolution Slider included
  • Comments support
  • Categories support
  • Search
  • WP pagination, HTML pagination, HTML Load more for all post types
  • Full HTML version, the Framework Y
  • 3 dedicated widgets: recent post types, categories, search

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