YouNews | iOS Universal News App Template (Swift)


YouNews is a Universal App Template where you – as the Admin of the app – can easily add and edit news via the Parse Dashboard hosted on or free CMS panel for Parse apps and have them displayed right away in the app:

  • XCode 11.4+ project – Swift 4.5+ – 64bit
  • Universal – Storyboard – iOS 14.0+
  • AdMob banners
  • Edit/add news by the Parse Dashboard or CMS panel
  • Send Push Notifications to all registered devices
  • Comment, like and share news
  • Image and YouTube video headers for the news details screen
  • Delete and Report comments options
  • PDF User Guide and PSD included
  • Terms of Use HTML file (to be edited)
  • Easy to customize | Well commented code
  • Apple Mac with its latest OS version installed
  • The latest version of Xcode and some knowledge about its UI interface
  • Photoshop or any other image editor software
  • An Apple Developer account to submit apps to the App Store
  • An AdMob account to generate your own banner UNIT ID

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