Android YouTube PlayList App (Youtubers, YT PlayLists, YT Videos) with Admob Ads


This is Android Application for Youtube PlayList App. this apps support for multiple PlayList. PlayList added through admin panel,so update PlayList without update apk in playstore. The application is specially optimized to be extremely easy to configure and detailed documentation is can create your own youtube playlist application.


Android Side

  1. All Device Combability(Responsive Design)
  2. Display Multi Playlist
  3. YouTube Video Section
  4. Play/Pause Video
  5. Check Network Availability
  6. Admob-Facebook-Wortise Ads Integration(Banner,Interstitial,Native)
  7. Android Studio Code
  8. One Signal Push Notification Added
  9. Remote Json
  10. Secured API Calls
  11. Firebase analytic
  12. Easy Admin panel
  13. Android studio code with latest version Arctic Fox | 2020.3.1 Patch 2

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