ChatHam – Facebook, WhatsApp, Telegram chatbot with Ad tasks


Introducing Chatham – the ultimate system that enables your users to chat with OpenAI using your Facebook, Instagram, or Telegram chatbot with Ai Image Generator. With Chatham, you can effortlessly earn money while you sleep by redirecting high traffic to your targeted links or videos.


  • WhatsApp Ai Chatbot
  • Facebook Ai Chatbot
  • Telegram Ai Chatbot
  • Task-based Ad System
  • Multi Users System
  • Razorpay Payment Method
  • Paystack Payment Method
  • Paypal Payment Method
  • Offline Payment Method
  • Ai Image Generator
  • New Chat GPT Turbo power model
  • Get flow based chat
  • Responsive UI
  • Dynamic Homepage (Add your favorite language)
  • Razorpay Payment Method
  • User Management
  • Dynamic Plans
  • Dynamic Ads
  • Redirect Ad maker
  • Visit the Link and stay till the dynamic duration
  • Watch the video till the dynamic duration
  • Ad watched Logs
  • Dynamic FaQ, Testimonial
  • Dynamic Pages
  • Add custom replies by command
  • Order Logs
  • Add limis on whatsapp teilio API
  • Allow or deny Bots
  • Much More

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