Click Stocks – Free Stock Photos Laravel Script


Click Stocks – Free Stock Photos Laravel Script is made for free images and photo sites, images and photo website, images and photo uploading, stock photography, stock photo, photo and images sharing, personal photography portfolio etc.

Key Features

  • Exclusive Layouts
  • Bulk or Selected Delete
  • Exclusive Filter’s
  • Coffee(Donate Through
  • Shutter Stock Widget
  • Blog Pages
  • User Suspend
  • Light BOX View
  • Bulk Upload Image
  • GitLab Login
  • PSD/AI Upload
  • User Dashboard
  • Admin Dashboard
  • Photo Management
  • Like Photo
  • Collection of Photo
  • Upload Photos
  • Tags for Photos
  • Download Photos
  • SEO Settings
  • Site Settings
  • Google Analytics
  • Follow Users
  • Following Users List
  • Add, Edit, Delete Photos by User
  • Materialized Admin Panel
  • Login System
  • Social Login
  • Secure Login & Change Password
  • Secure Password
  • Bootstrap 3 Framework
  • Owl Carousel 2
  • Based on 1170px grid
  • W3C Valid Markup
  • Smooth Transition Effects
  • Free Icon Fonts
  • Font Awesome Icons
  • Materialized Icons
  • Google Fonts
  • Cross Browser Compatible
  • Mobile and Tablet Support
  • Responsive Design
  • Documentation Include
  • Unique and Exclusive Idea
  • Unique and Creative Project
  • Clean Code and Clean Design
  • Easy To Customize

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