Food Recipe android app with add recipe by chef


Food Recipe android app with add recipe by chef is a complete solution for recipe and cooking world, you can search recipes by categories, by most popular, by chef and even by ingredients used in recipes.. you can also add your own recipe and become a chef, you will get followers who followed your recipes

Android app features

  • Recipe list with awesome slider
  • Category wise slider list
  • Search recipe by ingredients
  • Show trending ingredient list
  • Search recipe by name
  • Show trending recipe list
  • Search most popular recipes
  • A complete recipe details
    • Recipe name & description
    • Recipe image & youtube video (optional)
    • Number of servings
    • Recipe Preparation time
    • Recipe directions step by step
    • Nutritions values of recipe
    • Chef name & location
    • Recipe calories
    • Ratings, Likes & Views of Recipe
    • Add Ingredients to shopping list
    • User Ratings & Reviews
    • Adjust Ingredients quantity with servings
    • User can add reviews for recipe
  • User login with Email id
  • Login with facebook
  • Singup with email ID
  • User can become chef
  • Add chef profile
  • Add recipe by chef
  • Edit his own recipe
  • Get likes and views of recipes
  • Get followers of your recipe
  • Admob Advertisement
  • Firebase push notification
  • Chef followers get push notification when add new recipe by chef
  • send Recipe in notification

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