Half Bite – Weekly Meal Planner App – Android, Firebase, Ready to Publish


Half Bite app designed to build your meal planning experience – the Weekly Meal Plan Creator. In today’s fast-paced world, finding the time and inspiration to curate a well-balanced and diverse menu for yourself and your family can be quite the challenge.

Get Started Screen will navigate the user to UserHome Page or AdminHome Page based on account type (e.g. User or Admin). By-default when you sign up yourself your role will be a user, Admin is an on-time registration type.


  • All data stored in Firestore db (Images, Users, Recipes, Ingredients, Plans, Likes)
  • Admin can create own recipes, also ability to View, Edit & Delete
  • Admin can view, and delete users of the app
  • Google Sign In
  • Sign In & Sign Up (with Session Management)
  • Home Page (load all recipes globally)
  • Daily Inspiration, Trending Now on Home Page
  • Users can like any recipe, and the owner of the recipe will know on their view recipe page
  • Favorites Page, (You can add any recipe to your favorite list)
  • View Profile
  • User-friendly and Clean and Clear UI
  • Small size and lightweight
  • Every recipe has baking time and calories
  • Ingredient (every recipe has a list of ingredients (name, quantity, calories))
  • User & Admin can create own recipes and it will show globally to the user via Home Page
  • CRUD (Create, Write, Update, Delete)
  • Firebase Integrated (Auth, Firestore, Storage)

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