HD Wallpaper Offline


HD Wallpaper Offline is a mobile gallery and wallpaper system which run under Android platform, with awsome material design. You do not need any programming knowledge to change application content.

Features Available

  • All content are editable.
  • Easy to add new image or category.
  • Download files as you want
  • Easy to reskin.
  • No Require Programming Knowledge.
  • Set As Wallpaer, Save or Share Wallpaper
  • Add to Favorite Mode
  • Grid Item Size Responsive Based on Screen Display Size
  • Admob and Facebook Audience Network with Banner, Native and Interstitial ads Integrated
  • Smart AI to display ads (Display FAN first, if not successfull Admob will display)
  • Rate App, More App, Share App
  • Android Code Migrated to AndroidX

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