Hospital & Clinic Management | Doctor & Patient Appointment Booking | Pharmacy + Lab | Flutter 7.0


Hospital & Clinic Management is a complete solution for the clinic and hospital booking system. it included two apps Admin and Patient. where Admin app helps to manage your appointment and all features of Patient app. while Patient app makes your all appointment from the users and serves awesome features.

Patient App Features

  • Log in with Mobile number and OTP (Firebase)
  • Registration page (if user never registered before, first time login)
  • Book appointment
  • Cancel appointment
  • Appointment
  • Make Payments
  • Make Video Call
  • Submit Feedback
  • Prescription
  • Service
  • About us
  • Testimonials
  • Gallery
  • Availability of clinic time
  • Reach us
  • Contact us
  • Notification
  • Read Blog
  • User profile
  • User can edit their profile
  • Make Walk-In Appointment
  • Make Appointment Check-In
  • Appointment Token Number
  • Wallet
  • Medicine Reminder
  • Eye 20-20-20 Break Reminder

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