Kolor | PhoneGap & Cordova Mobile App


Kolor | PhoneGap & Cordova Mobile App


  • Text Columns
  • Image Columns
  • Icon Columns
  • Responsive Images with Aspect Ratio
  • Responsive Videos with Aspect Ratio
  • Responsive Maps with Aspect Ratio
  • CSS3 Multiple Heading Styles
  • CSS3 Dropcaps
  • CSS3 Highlights
  • CSS3 Table
  • CSS3 Quotes
  • CSS3 Toggles
  • CSS3 Accordion
  • CSS3 Tabs
  • CSS3 Large Notifications
  • CSS3 Small Notifications
  • CSS3 Fields
  • CSS3 Checkboxes
  • CSS3 Radios
  • CSS3 3D Buttons
  • CSS3 Squared Buttons
  • CSS3 Rounded Buttons
  • CSS3 Social Buttons
  • FontAwesome Lists


  • jQuery Page Preloading
  • jQuery Device Detection
  • jQuery + CSS3 Navigation
  • jQuery Toggles
  • jQuery Accordion
  • jQuery Tabs
  • jQuery Quote Slider
  • jQuery Staff Slider
  • jQuery Image Sliders
  • jQuery Share from Bottom Pop-Up
  • jQuery Contact Form with Field Validation


  • Optimized for Touch Devices
  • CSS3 Based Design
  • Simple, beautiful, elegant Design
  • 8 Color Schemes for different elements
  • iOS / Android Home Icon & Splash Screen
  • High Definition / Retina Graphics
  • Ergonomic Navigation
  • Designed for a intuitive User Experience
  • Responsive for Tablets, for a better experience
  • Fully scalable icons, pixel perfect

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