My Chef – Android Recipes App With Web Admin Panel


My Chef App is a complete application ready to be deployed.It is a mobile recipes system which run under Android Platform which is the most popular operating system in the world. This app working based on Realtime Firebase Database , and on Local SQLite Database which can be used to save the favorites online recipes to the offline database , So no internet connection is needed anymore unless the user want to get new Recipes. Using this application you can save your money and time in creating application for your own recipe application.

Application Features

  • Well Structured Code
  • Developed with Android Studio & Gradle
  • Support for Oreo ( Android 8 ) and newer
  • Material design following Android Design Guidelines
  • List of recipes
  • Recipe detail screen (vegan or not vegan,calories,duration,difficulty,cuisine,servings,ingredients,instructions)
  • Offline Recipes is stored in local SQLite database
  • Online Recipes through Realtime Firebase Database
  • AdMob (banners, and interstitial ads)
  • Built in notifications system using firebase
  • Firebase Analytics
  • Animated Splash screen (launch screen)
  • Navigation drawer menu
  • Login page
  • Register page
  • Forgot password page
  • Search for recipe
  • Favorite recipes
  • Ingredients check list
  • About Us fragment
  • About App fragment
  • Rate app on Google Play
  • Share App
  • More Apps
  • Contact Us fragment
  • Settings fragment
  • Privacy policy fragment
  • Logout Button
  • App works in offline mode and in online mode
  • Animations and effects
  • My Recipes section that let the user store and save his own recipes locally
  • Local admin panel dashboard to modify the content of the App with no need to a host
  • Multi-language support (Arabic,French,English,Urdu)
  • Top quality clean code created by experienced senior Android developer
  • Easy configuration
  • Well documented

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