Ultimate Status Image App


Ultimate Status Image App is a mobile Status system which run under Android platform that used for your own Image Status application. With powerful features and beautiful design and Responsive Admin Panel can manage images,categories, users,notifications,lanuages and others. This application created by Android studio for client side and then Php/MySQL for Admin side. Run under Android platform which is the most popular operating system in the world. By using this application you can save your money and time in creating application for your own Status Image application.


  • Splash Screen
  • Intro Pages
  • Permissios
  • Permissios
  • Latest Image
  • Popular Image
  • Categories Image
  • Follwing images
  • Favorites Images
  • Downloaded Images
  • Multi Dynamic Languages
  • Search by using categories,title,keywords
  • Long Press to view Image status
  • Status Reactions (Like, Love ,Angry , Haha, WooW,Sad)
  • Status Comments
  • Share Images(Whatsapp,Facebook,Instagram…)
  • Sign-in/Sign-up with Google
  • Sign-in/Sign-up With Facebook
  • Users Profile
  • Following system
  • User Can Post Own Image Status
  • Load more on scroll
  • Notification by using firebase
  • privacy policy,Contact us pages
  • Settings (Notification , Cache …)
  • AdMob Ads
  • Facebook Network Audiance
  • Subscription to delete Ads
  • Ask to rate app when exit
  • Ask Update when new update available
  • Whatsapp Status Saved App integrated
  • And Many other features

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