User Management


User management is developed in .Net 6 and Angular 14, that allows you to easily manage user and role based authentication and authorization. If you want to start new project, then it would be perfect solution for you because Its developed base on enterprise level standard for both .Net 6 and Angular 14. User Management also comes with fully documented JSON API which allows you to easily authenticate users from your mobile (or any other) application.

Functional Feature

  • Integrated with AdminLTE Theme, 100% responsive, works well in mobile, tablet, laptop and desktop devices.
  • Facebook and Google OAuth login integrated.
  • Interactive Dashboard
  • Add, Update and Delete User and Role.
  • User Listing with server side pagination, filtering and sorting.
  • Multi Language Support
  • Setup multiple Email SMTP setting.
  • Setup multiple Email Template with dynamic Parameters.
  • Option to send email via SMTP.
  • Add, Update, Delete and Listing Control Panel Pages/Screen and Action.
  • Admin can Setup Page(Screen) and Action mapping.
  • Admin can view Current Online Users and forcefully logout online user.
  • Manage Application Setting Parameter from UI.
  • You can view Application Error Logs from UI.
  • You can view user login activity.
  • User can manage User profile.
  • Admin Can Reset User password from panel.
  • Quick start Guide Documentation to add new features

Technical Features

    • ASP.NET Core Architecture

      • Generic Repository Pattern
      • Unit of work Patterns
      • Real Time Notification Using SignalR
      • Uses Swagger for API documentation
      • Dependency Injection
      • MediatR Pattern for clean controller
      • Standard Naming conventions
      • JWT Token Based Authentication and Claim Based Authorization
      • Less coupling and Easier reuse
      • Single Responsibility Principle
      • Open/closed principle
      • All Methods are Async/Await
      • Generic way to Handle REST API Status code
      • Validate Rest Request Entity with Fluent API
      • Store Logging info into Database using NLOG
      • Client and Server side validation
      • CORS Settings

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